You seemed to be immortal
Today I knew that this website is shutting down today. It is amazing how just a small place on the Internet could make me feel what I feel right now: nostalgia, sadness, and sorrow. It's been too many years of my life relying on plenty of advantages from this webpage, too many. The fact that tomorrow I won't be able to post anymore makes me think that this might be one of the last steps for our beloved game "Guild Wars". I know this is not the case, however.
11 years in our backs make this game immortal, regardless of how innactive it may become over time. It's been too many experiences, too many fun times. Most of them shared with this webpage: whether you wanted to sell, buy or auction an item, or maybe find a guild for your business (speedclearing, speedrunning, HA, GvG, both...); this was the place to find those. This is where we all found, at least, one friend.
Thanks you, Guild Wars Guru! Thank you for letting us enjoy your features throughout these eleven years. You will always be in my heart.